

The portioner Kolbe PM150 is suitable for manufacturing of minced meat. It can be used for ready to sale minced meat and also for kebab. The PM150 conveyor belt system allows the placement the meat on parchment-paper according to industry regulations and further transport for loading. The machine can make portion with sizes between 200 g up to 800 g.

Locking height (center of plate)mm700-900
Portioning lengthmm60-280
Portioning weight approx.g200-800
Knife strokemm80
Machine dimensionsmm616x1407x1185-1385
Noise levelDb(A)78
Weight approx..kg139-141
Portioning cross section, maximalmm75×150
Conveyor belt dimensionmm212x1195x58
Conveyor belt speedm/s0.40
Connection tension (3Ph)V400
Motor capacitykW0.25